Products with less CO2
On this page, you can find documentation for every product in our range.
Discover our Flooring Solutions
Durable surfaces for industrial and residential use.
Eco Rapid SL
A gray-brown silicate floor ideal for areas with high mechanical and chemical stress, such as industrial zones and production areas. Suitable for both industrial and designer projects.
Eco Rapid Indu
A light gray silicate floor offering exceptional durability for high-stress environments, including industrial and production areas. Applicable to both industrial and designer settings.
Eco Screed
Grey silicate-based and fast-drying screed that is ideal for screeding and subfloors. The product has a fine, fluid consistency and cures without tension with a layer thickness of 5-70 mm.
Eco Mortar SL
An economical industrial floor in gray, perfect for parking facilities as a leveling layer with integrated finished coating.
Eco Terrazzo
A white silicate binder for terrazzo floors, providing a sustainable and stylish option that remains timeless.
Eco Deco
A white silicate floor, known as Eco Rapid Deco, serving as the ‘designer floor’ of the product line. Made from pure white silicates, it’s ideal for projects emphasizing design, top quality, and aesthetics.
Micro Silicate and Membranes
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Eco Wall
This product allows for smoothing walls and floors, achieving a durable designer finish with a layer thickness of 1-30 mm. It offers a matte micro-design look, perfect for stylish projects.
Eco All In One
A single-component mineral waterproofing membrane suitable for preparing waterproof coatings on concrete and other cementitious surfaces, including coves.
Eco Sil
A membrane designed for tanks requiring high chemical resistance. This specialized solution is permanently resistant to nearly all chemicals. Refer to the chemical resistance list for more information.
Eco Repair
A filler used to address cracks and cavities in substrates before applying coatings, ensuring the surface is prepared for application. It cures quickly and offers high strength.
Eco Flex All In One
A flexible waterproofing membrane for indoor and outdoor use, effective against both pressing and non-pressing water. It is a two-component silicate solution.
Primers and Top Coats
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Eco Primer
An innovative primer that penetrates deeply into the substrate, reducing its absorbency. Eco Primer is silicate-based and free from solvents, with a milky white appearance.
Eco Hydro Glass
A silicate-based impregnation that protects against penetrating moisture. When used with Eco Hydro Sil, it forms a strong, chemically resistant combination. The original color is transparent.
Eco Topcoat Mono
Typically used for private projects, design endeavors, and in combination with Eco Hydro Sil for terrazzo projects. This coating is not intended for industrial use and has a milky white color.
Eco Topcoat 2K
A widely used topcoat that is wear-resistant, suitable for industrial floors requiring high surface strength and slip resistance. The coating is transparent and available in both matte and polished finishes.
Eco Hydro Sil
This topcoat protects against moisture penetration and, when combined with Eco Hydro Glass, offers exceptional chemical resistance, making it ideal for industrial areas or the pharmaceutical industry.
Eco Silicate Systems
Herentalsebaan 406, 2160 Wommelgem Belgium
+32 (0)3 227 28 58
Technical data